Saturday, February 11, 2012

Testing the tomato theory

Well, this week, my hands have been feeling great.  The change in medicine levels seem to have made a huge difference.  I have been trying to pay off the medical bills before they get outrageous so I am living on an extreme budget the next few months until I get everything back in order.  This in turn means that I need to eat food from the pantry and use up what we have before buying more.  Before I started researching more about PsA and what others were discovering about it, I thought I would try some new whole wheat canned pasta with meatballs so I bought a few then later realized I should not be eating tomato sauce.  Needless to say, it has been in the cup board for a couple months while I started experimenting with my diet.  Since the pain levels have been low this week, and I knew I would be home this weekend, I thought I would conduct an experiment.  I ate the pasta for dinner last night to see what would happen.  But no surprise, I was more stiff this morning, probably a 5 on my stiffness scale, however, my hands loosened up rather quickly.  It has been 3 hours since I got up and I am typing quite well.  The left hand is now fine but the right is still a little stiff and can only close to about a 1/2 inch gap.  As I said, I wasn't surprised that it was worse this morning but I am surprised that it isn't nearly as bad as I would have thought. 

This week the weather has been changing quite a bit and I do think it plays a part in pain management.  We got some snow yesterday but the effect was rather minimal.  This summer I plan to work on experimenting more with gluten and possibly dairy.  Speaking of dairy, I have a milk allergy (actual allergy, not just a sensitivity) as well as being lactose intolerant.  Milk and milk products make me physically sick if I eat too much and will act as a depressant as well.  However, since I have cut out the nightshades, I seem to be handling the milk products better.  This honestly, makes no sense to me but if it works, it works.  I will experiment more on this over the summer time when I have less responsibility and can afford to not feel the best. 

At this time - February 2012 - I have confirmed the following are triggers for my PsA:

Stress (probably the hottest trigger)
Some aspects of weather

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