Well, the small amount of potatoes that I had yesterday doesn't seem to have effected anything. Hands are a bit stiff - maybe a 3 on my stiffness scale. Feet are still numb from the ball of the foot through to the toes - however my toes on the right foot seem to have more feeling today yet still have a sausage toe on the right foot. Yesterday, I was exhausted from the visit. Saturday, I had energy most of the day - didn't get too tired while cleaning and entertaining company but Sunday, I recuperated from it.
I have decided that I want people to know what is happening in hopes that they will understand. My Mom and sister were down from Michigan for a visit this weekend and I used the time to help them understand what is happening with me. I shared this website and tried to explain what I know so far. To my surprise, they were very understanding. In fact, my Mom seems to be the one who is accepting it the best. My husband on the other hand, has taken quite a while to realize how much pain this disease causes and has acted in the past like I am making things up to get out of housework or avoid his family. . . etc. We finally had a real heart to heart discussion and now he seems to understand. Hubby even joined in with the housework on his own this time. Hopefully this support will continue because I don't have many good friends down here and I don't really have much as far as a support system. Hubby's family are his support but not so much for me. None of them know anything about PsA nor are they willing to learn about it. Meanwhile, Hubby is coming around and realizing how much this is effecting my life. He is having to take on more responsibilities and accept when I hurt. I guess I have always taken care of him if he didn't quite feel right and now that I need some help when I hurt, the tables are turned.
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